DIY Bath Bombs
Make your own lavender-scented bath bomb
There’s nothing quite like a hot, relaxing bath before bedtime. For a spa-inspired experience, we love adding a bath bomb complete with skin-nourishing ingredients and relaxing scent. Looking for a luxurious addition to your nightly bath? Here’s our simple recipe for lavender-scented DIY bath bombs.
Materials needed:
- Two mixing bowls (one large and one small)
- A whisk
- A spoon
- A plastic or metal spherical mold
- 2 cups baking soda
- 1 cup citric acid
- 1 cup corn starch
- 1 cup fine Epsom salt
- 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil
- Purple soap dye
- 2 tablespoons water (This value may vary depending upon the setting.)

Here's what to do:
- Combine all the dry ingredients (baking soda, citric acid, corn starch, Epsom salt) in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly with the whisk.
- Combine all the wet ingredients (coconut oil, lavender essential oil, soap dye, water) in a small bowl. Mix thoroughly with the spoon.
- Combine the dry and wet ingredients. Pour the wet ingredients slowly and incrementally into the dry ingredients, mixing thoroughly between each batch of liquid. Once all ingredients have been combined, the resulting mixture should have the texture of wet sand. Add more water if necessary!
- When it has reached the desired texture, place the mixture into the plastic or metal mold. Be sure to pack the mixture tightly; we recommend slightly overfilling each half. Once full, bring the two halves of the mold together and secure. Tap the outside of the mold to loosen the bath bomb, and slowly and carefully remove the mold.

Voila! Your lavender-scented bath bomb is complete and ready for use. Once finished, toss your bath bomb directly into the bath for a dose of comforting scent, lovely color, and beautiful skin care. Follow your bath with your favorite pajamas and luxury bedding, and you’ll be all set for sweet dreams!